
Black Rain

April 22, 2009


Okay, so I found my faith again. Not a specific religion, my spiritual path to the Lord Jesus Christ. At one time, I felt as if I was a lost soul, and maybe I was. The blind following the blind, per say. But what really makes one aspire to seeking out their true calling, and what makes one right over the other?

I went to a meeting tonight. A group of Christians learning the ways of other religions. There was a Buddhist there, explaining his faith, or lack of it if I may. The “Me” syndrome, that’s what I got out of it, no faith what so ever except in one self. The feeling it left me with was almost sorrow, like a black rain. It didn’t make me question my own spirituality, if anything it reassured my beliefs. Though what it did do was bring about a sadness to my heart that I can’t seem to shake. How does one go through life with no meaning, no truths, no faith, no spirit just free will?

I realize that with every religion there are some alterations in what one person might believe in. But this specific gentleman lives his life every day trying to gain complete and total solitude and remove himself from the burden of others. How lonely that must be. Sure, as Christians we take on more than we can chew sometimes, but that’s our nature, to help, to nurture. How somebody could be content year after year just focusing on self is beyond any comprehension.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t know how one soul, one person could go through life that way. I guess that’s why we are having these meetings, to try to understand. I guess I need to think more about it with a clear head, and pray for the vision of truth.


  1. Hello,

    God gave us the capacity to choose and make choices as you mentioned when you pointed out that we have free will.

    The capacity to make choices is a wonderful gift from God.

    But in giving us that wonderful gift, it has put us on a course where we have to decide everyday to create light, or darkness with the choices that we make.

    When a person is in touch with that spark of life that is in each one of us, it can point the way for that person who is searching for God.

    This is because that spark within us, is the very Breath of God just like the Breath that God breathed into Adam in The Garden of Eden and made him a living soul. That Spark within us, seeks God.

    Children of God are to be a light unto the nations. Even when we find ourselves surrounded by darkness.

    “Not through army and not through strength, but through My Spirit says The LORD God, Master of Legions.” Zechariah 4:6

  2. It’s hard to say what he means or understand – without knowing him myself – and it is difficult to say that you understand what he means or feels. This is, after all, a hearsay reporting. Simply, I don’t believe he 1) understands Buddhism, 2) he reported Buddhism accurately, or that you understand 3) what he reported except through your own filters.

    You’ve set up a straw man to knock down.

    Is he a layman? A Monk? A Buddhist teacher? What are his credentials, if you will. He is self taught? from books? Is there a Buddhist temple in your area?

  3. Thank you for your kind words and comments. I especially love this: “Children of God are to be a light unto the nations. Even when we find ourselves surrounded by darkness.”

    As for this man’s credentials, he claimed to be a practicing Buddhist for over 25 years. American “new age” version minus the idol, one focused more with nature. He also said he was an active member of a temple.

    I do not feel that I set him up to be knocked down, I listened with an open heart and mind. I wrote about what I felt in my heart after what I heard. Whether or not that sounds like traditional followings of that religion or not, it was what I interpreted from our discussion.

  4. Well, something fell short. You’d be better off with book on basic Buddhism by The Dalai Lama, or Thich Nhat Hahn. Even Brad Warner would give a better accounting.

  5. even this is better:

    Buddhism – Idolatrous and Superstitious?

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